12819 State Route 664 S, Logan, OH 43138 ~12.5 mi
(740) 279-1261
十大网赌网站大全很高兴地邀请IBO和参赛选手于7月14日至16日再次来到十大网赌网站大全, 2023年全国冠军赛三冠赛的第三站. On this page, you'll find information about the tournament, how to register, 你在城里住在哪里,做什么.
国际猎航组织(IBO)成立于1984年,由一群致力于确保猎航和野生动物保护理想的猎航者共同创建, expand and flourish to be shared, enjoyed and passed on to future generations.
By its charter, 国际猎航组织的宗旨是“促进, encourage and foster the sport of bowhunting; further bowhunter education; act as a political coordinator and liaison for the protection and advancement of bowhunting; function as a clearinghouse for essential bowhunter information; and adhere to the basic ideal of the unification of bowhunters.”
Soon after its inception, the IBO launched the Triple Crown of Bowhunting, 由在不同的州举办的三个全国比赛组成的. Using identical rules and classes, 三冠王的高潮与不同年龄的国家冠军的加冕, gender and equipment classes. 该系列每年都在不断扩大,并已成为3d射箭和弓箭狩猎运动中最佳个人表演者和设备的无可争议的指标.
In 1989, 国际拳击组织在世界范围内建立了一系列认可的比赛,参与者有资格参加在一个大型和舒适的场地举行的年度决赛, destination-type venue. Presently, 数百个当地和地区的弓箭俱乐部举办资格赛,有机会参加3d射箭最大和最负盛名的赛事- IBO世界锦标赛.
As part of the Triple Crown and World events, 参赛者定期参加一个独特的传统, shooting the IBO Bowhunter Defense Fund Range. 从射击这些娱乐靶场的人那里收取的费用专门用于IBO弓箭手防御基金. To date, this fund has disbursed in excess of $700,以确保弓箭狩猎的强大和持久的未来.
随着各州狩猎机构越来越多地认识到狩猎在现代美国郊区鹿管理中发挥着重要作用, 国际文凭组织准备在这一进程中发挥积极作用,并提供最好的培训, 最好的准备和最道德的弓箭猎人参加即将到来的计划和努力. 国际狩猎组织是最早公开承认城市白尾鲸管理日益增长的需要以及弓猎在这一努力中可以发挥的不可或缺的作用的组织之一.
在行业领先制造商的持续支持下, a network of dedicated clubs and groups, and tens of thousands of individual bowhunters, 国际海事组织已做好准备,迎接今天和未来几十年将面临的重大挑战.
In only its third year of competition, 射箭已经在全国范围内声名鹊起. 在2017-18赛季,球队在美国3-D全国锦标赛中获得第一名和第四名th at the USCA National Championships. In Regional and National Championships, 该团队获得了13个其他项目类别的团队冠军, 13 individual gold medals, three team silver finishes, three individual silver medals, 两枚组合铜牌和两枚个人铜牌. The team also produced:
便利设施/使用设施包括在十大网赌网站大全校园. Benefits of staying on campus.
The Lodge at Hocking College is located at 15770 St Rt 691, Nelsonville OH 45764. Please call Jessica Handa, Lodge General Manager, at 740-753-3531 for reservations. Mention IBO to receive the special block rate for this event.
Single Dorm Room: $240
两张单人床,两个人住一个房间. Private bathroom.
Double Dorm Room: $480
Four single beds, sleeps four. Two rooms share one bathroom.
Primative: $95
20 Amp: $105
30/50 Amp: $115
Campsites are electric only. Limited access to water.
50/30 Amp W/E/S: $185
Full Hookup, Water, Electric & Sewer
12819 State Route 664 S, Logan, OH 43138 ~12.5 mi
(740) 279-1261
俄亥俄州洛根市格雷街12830号B座43138·~12.9 mi
(740) 331-4811
俄亥俄州洛根市格雷街12830号A座43138 ~13英里
(740) 331-4811
88 E State St, Athens, OH 45701 · ~11.1 mi
(740) 595-0500
20 Home St, Athens, OH 45701 · ~11.4 mi
(740) 594-3000
330 Columbus Rd, Athens, OH 45701 · ~9.4 mi
(740) 593-6655
924 East State Street, Athens, OH 45701 · ~12 mi
(740) 589-5839
俄亥俄州雅典市东州街986号,邮编45701 12英里
(740) 593-5600
11 E Park Dr, Athens, OH 45701 · ~11.6 mi
(740) 592-4640
331 Richland Avenue, Athens, OH 45701 · ~11.7 mi
(866) 593-6661
20 Home Street, Athens, OH 45701 · ~11.4 mi
(740) 594-3000
2091 E State St, Athens, OH 45701 · ~13.6 mi
(740) 594-4900
22245 OH-278 Nelsonville, OH 45764 ~9.2 mi
俄亥俄州Glouster Burr Oak Lodge路10660号,邮编45732·~11.8 mi
(740) 767-2112
27331 State Route 278, Mc Arthur, OH 45651 · ~10.9 mi
(740) 596-5253
65666 Bethel Rd, New Plymouth, OH 45654 · ~13.9 mi
(740) 596-2606
Rhapsody是一家休闲餐厅,位于尼尔森维尔市中心美丽的公共广场上, Ohio. 狂想曲很容易到达,它位于城市的艺术区中心.
When you have a meal at Rhapsody, 您不仅可以在轻松的氛围中享受十大网赌网站大全尖端的美国美食,还可以享受季节性美食, you give our students an education.
在专业厨师和管理人员的监督下, students from Hocking College’s Culinary Arts, Baking, 酒店和餐厅管理项目利用餐厅来磨练他们在职业生涯中所需的技能.
Starbrick BBQ是一家位于尼尔森维尔的当地小餐馆, Ohio, 专营熏肉和自制配菜, rubs and sauces.
一定要好好享受手撕猪肉和鸡肉, 嫩胸肉或脱骨小背肋骨.
Starbrick BBQ位于Rocky Outdoor Gear Store, 45 E. Canal St., Nelsonville, Ohio 45764.
Hours of Operations:
8 AM - 5 PM | Monday - Friday
3301 Hocking Pkwy.
Nelsonville, Ohio 45764