十大网赌网站大全为学生提供成功进入劳动力市场或转入四年制大学所需的基础和经验. 在俄亥俄州获得霍金大学副学士学位的州内居民可以保证转学到俄亥俄州的任何公立四年制大学!
Hocking College is also accredited by the Higher Learning Commission 作为质量标准,以确保霍金的学分可以转移. 事实上,正式的衔接协议已经实施了超过100年 30 academic programs.
In addition, 十大网赌网站大全提供了一套完整的通识教育要求,这些要求保证可以转移到俄亥俄州的任何公立学院和大学,作为该计划的一部分 Ohio Transfer 36.
Explore Transferable Programs & Partnerships
十大网赌网站大全的衔接协议是为你方设计的. 完成十大网赌网站大全2+2课程的学生平均节省28,000美元.
以下是十大网赌网站大全与全国不同学校签订的衔接协议列表, 并按在每个机构完成的年数进行组织.
Columbus, OH
- Accounting
- Psychology
- Business Administration
- Human Resources Management
- Marketing
- Criminal Justice Administration
- Forensic Accounting
- Financial Management
- Financial Planning
- Management & Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
- Logistics
- Computer Science
- Healthcare Management
- Health Information Management
- Social Sciences
- Exercise Science
- Health Sciences
- Interactive Media Design
- Information Technology
- Public Relations
- Public Safety Management
- Cyber Security
- Web Development
- Information Systems
- Energy Management
- Emergency Management & Homeland Security
- Operations and Supply Chain Management
- Public Administration
- Sports Management
- RN to BSN
- Early Childhood Education
- Business Administration and Accounting
- Business Administration Healthcare Management
- 工商管理人力资源管理
- Business Administration IT Management
- Business Administration Management
- Business Administration Marketing
- RN to BSN
3+2 (BSN Included)
- Cybersecurity and Information Assurance
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Science
- Data Management/Data Analytics
- Information Technology
- Network Operations and Security
- Software Development
在这里了解更多关于合作伙伴关系和奖学金的信息: www.wgu.edu/oacc
Use code FR28 to waive the application fee!
Morgantown, WV
- Wildlife and Fisheries Resources
- Early Childhood Education
- Design and Merchandising - B.S.
- Fashion, Dress and Merchandising - B.S.
For more information on transferring click here.
Business Management and Entrepreneurship
Transferring Out Checklist
Not sure how to transfer? Just follow these 7 steps:
- 一旦你即将毕业,就和你的十大网赌网站大全学术顾问见面
- 与四年制大学的转学顾问见面
- 完成所有适当的申请和四年制大学的经济援助
- Pay application fees for four-year school
- 要求高中成绩单、ACT成绩、十大网赌网站大全成绩单寄至四年制学校
- Graduate from Hocking College
- 跟进四年制大学(检查所有文件是否提交并安排入学时间)
Transfer Contacts
Franklin University
Erika Miller -富兰克林大学社区学院区域经理
Email: transferinfo@franklin.edu
Call or Text: 614-965-2272
访问富兰克林大学的转学资源页面 here.
Muskingum University
Alexandria Farley
Email: afraley@muskingum.edu
Call: 740-826-8137
访问麝香大学的转学资源页面 here.
Capital University
Transfer Resources
Capital Transfer Information Business 2+2
For questions contact:
迪安娜·邦德|首都大学| 614-236-6228| dbond@capital.edu
Associate Director of Admission
West Virginia University
Office of the University Registrar
Email: transfercredit@mail.wvu.edu
Call: 304-293-5355
Columbus College of Art and Design
You can reference our Transfering Checklist here.
You can 点击这里查看可转移课程的完整列表.
如果你不确定哪些课程可以转到你选择的大学, we recommend reviewing your options on Transferology.
根据他们的网站,Transferology允许你 enter your courses online to find equivalent courses at other schools. 比赛是根据获得的积分来排名的,所以你可以最大限度地发挥你的转会潜力.
Yes. 作为一名转学生,你有资格获得经济援助. For specific information, contact your Financial Aid Representative.
For more information on the cost of attending Hocking College, click here.
For more information, you can visit The Ohio Department of Higher Education here.